The issue is devoted to work, community, and citizenship, and was guest edited by Charlotte Brownlow (University of Southern Queensland, Australia) Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist (University of UmeƄ, Sweden) and Lindsay O'Dell (The Open University, United Kingdom).
The contents are as follows:
Editorial: Special Edition
Charlotte Brownlow, Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist and Lindsay O’Dell
Work and ‘the crafting of individual identities’ from a critical standpoint
David Fryer and Rose Stambe
The citizen-worker: Ambivalent meanings of ‘real jobs’, ‘full citizenship’ and adulthood in the case of autistic people
Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, Lindsay O’Dell and Charlotte Brownlow
Children, money and work: Transitions to adulthood
Lindsay O’Dell, Sarah Crafter, Guida de Abreu and Tony Cline
Revolting talks of migrant workers and community organisers: A UK community psychology perspective
Jenny Fisher, Rebecca Lawthom and Carolyn Kagan
Economic integration of women who have experienced homelessness
Rebecca Nemiroff, Tim Aubry and Fran Klodawsky
Promoting community engagement in an intergenerational program: An exploratory study
Jorge Ruiz Crespo and Jan du Preez
Relocation to an area of high amenity: Tree-change euphoria vs. homesickness, alienation and loneliness
Theresa K. Bates
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